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Denis O'Leary Award 2023



The Independent Panel for the 2023 award:


Prof. Kathleen M Quinlan: Director of Centre for the Study of Higher Education, University of Kent

Prof. Trevor Gibbs: Former President of Association of Medical Education in Europe (AMEE)

Shona O'Leary: Dr Denis O'Leary's beloved daughter and O'Leary's family representative for the award

DOL Award




DOL Award 2023 finalists:


OxCRISP Course: Oxford-based Clinically Relevant Interview Skills in Psychiatry Course

Shah Tarfarosh, Katherine Reid, Fatima Ahmed and Colleagues


Preparing undergraduates to deliver collaborative, patient-centred care for those with mental health difficulties

Christopher Kowalski, Lorraine Whatley, Robyn Jane Stiger, Janice Watson, Adam Whyte, Alex Patrick, Kate Saunders and colleagues



DOL Award 2023 winner:


The competition between the two shortlisted projects was very close, making it difficult for the panel to select a winning submission. Therefore, OxCME is delighted to announce both projects as joint winners of the 2023 Denis O'Leary Medical Education Award.  


The winners are:


Preparing undergraduates to deliver collaborative, patient-centred care for those with mental health difficulties - an impressive, cross-programme and cross-institutional initiative to prepare health professional students for interdisciplinary patient-centred care.




OxCRISP - an inspiring, thoughtfully researched, and carefully designed programme aiming to improve patient care on the frontlines of psychiatry and psychiatric emergencies in the participating NHS Trust.


Learn more about these innovative projects here>




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